svētdiena, 2014. gada 23. novembris

Boom Boom

O shame, O shame
Must be the beer talkin'
My anger who will tame
Inner fear stalkin'

Walking this path of shame
Must be the pill talkin'
Who is to blame?
What hole did it fill?

Nightly shadows walking
Down the path of despair
Silent people talking
There is nothing to repair

O shame, O shame
For what is this pill?
Some bullshit persciption
It did not fill the darkness inside

You my friend
Came into my life
You my fiend
Came with a knife

Bullshit stories
Fake smiles
Bullshit glories
Hidden files

All that in head
Spinning around
You all are dead
Screaming in my head

Boom boom
Goes my heart
Some fine art
Boom boom

O shame, O shame
That was so lame
Bullshit pill
Did not fill
The pain
Is like the rain
Always to maintain

piektdiena, 2014. gada 21. novembris

Hello friend

Hello my old friend insanity
Walking these dark corners
Where is my humanity
Talking shadows beyond borders

Smiling insanely
Reaching out
Dreaming outer worldly
Preaching madly

Slowly loosing my mind
Inside outside
Turning blind
Inside outside

Hello my old friend sanity
Walking these plains
Where is my inhumanity
Silenced trees dancing

Wild winds blowing
Rain drops falling
Fireflies glowing
People talking...

Taking another pill
Day after day
To fill that hole
Day after day

Is it designed to help
To save
Or just another perscribtion signed by the doc to make you shut up
Not that brave to ask

Hello insanity my old friend
Where is my humanity
Hello sanity my old friend
Where is my inhumanity

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 20. novembris


Walking throught the night
Looking in the sky
Talking about the velvet dream
Hope we wont cry

Dancing in the rain
Dreaming of a better day
Wash away the pain
release me if you may 

Where are you my friend
Where have you gone?
You seemed like a fiend
What is wrong?

Last time we spoke
You sent me away
What was my crime
Are you that broke?

Wishing upon a star
Looking in the sky
Dancing in the far far away ceiling
With a fierce battle cry

trešdiena, 2014. gada 19. novembris


You said you'll give a answer later
But you did not
Leaving me asking yet again
Decieving my mind

Why is it you find me
Only when you need something
And I yet again become blind
Do anything you ask of me

Tired of this bullshit
Light a smoke
My head gets dull of that shit
Off to a grand adventure I might go

Just to get away from this
Eyes light up
You are in my way
Turn around
It's this way
Let's have another round

This time it's me and then only others
Egomania to the finest
Light a smoke
Eyes widen
Extazy beyond my limit

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piektdiena, 2014. gada 7. novembris


I light the cig
As I stand near the window
It is already night
All I hear is passion

Inhaling the smoke
Enjoying the view
Exhaling my hope
All high on meds

This is my passion
Broken down on meds
Catascrophical obsession
Just dont call the feds

I light my cig
Staring down the window
My heart aint that big
To make that leap

What a beautiful night
Ashes drop of the cig
What i see with my sight
Bashes through my might

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piektdiena, 2014. gada 31. oktobris

Me, myself and you

The breaker
The destroyer
The creator
And the holder

Always it is I
I am a brat
Always it is I
Just like a rat

I plan and I create
Then you leave
I destroy and I break
I think you deceive
But I'm wrong

Always a child
Always a father 
Holder of the pack 
They don't care
Nor they see

I see every time they care
Every time they help
But when it come to do it auto
They disappear

Is it hard to ask to take notice
Is it hard to ask me
Is it hard to be there for me?
It is I that creates, destroys, breaks and hold
The pack
A father
Yet a child inside that want attention just like you 

sestdiena, 2014. gada 25. oktobris


Where is my mind?
Wandering my dreams
What will i find?
So dark it seems

Night in my dreams
So dark it seems
With my awful sight
I will seek light

Sleepy thoughts
Insane fights
Creepy thoughts
Nightly betrayals

Wandering these trails
Where is my mind
A train wrecked of its rails
Where is my mind
Make it rain

All this pain
Backstabing bitches
What will you all gain?
It itches to cut you off

Where is my mind?
So dark it seems
What will you find?

Viciouse cycle

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ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 9. oktobris


My head hurts
I desire too much
My head bursts
There is no dream such


I am a monster
I write
I don't draw
I am a shadow of my former self 

Lost so many
Kept less
Wandered around
Wondered about

My head hurts
Dream shattered
My head bursts
It may seem


I am a shadow of my former self
I do not recognize myself
I write only words
No meaning
Draw no lines


We all are sheep
Come on scream

Come to my feet
Let me command
The black fleet
I demand

My desires
Lovely dreams
Let me dominate
Obey me

trešdiena, 2014. gada 8. oktobris


Sacred thoughts
Entertain my mind
Scared arms
What will it find

Wonderful night
All my scared emotions
I want to take flight
Sacred thoughts

So many wrongs
Almost no rights
Do i even have emotions any?
Oddest of all sights

Where am I now
What do I do
All these questions
No answers

Sacred thoughts
Scared arms
Entertain my mind
I am blind...

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pirmdiena, 2014. gada 29. septembris


Welcome to my reality
The dream of constant insanity
No place to stay
Nothing to say

Wandering the dark
Feeling lost
Wishing for a spark
Can you read this post?

Echoes in my mind
No place to stay
What can I  find
Nothing to say

Wondering all the time
Is this reality
Pondering my thoughts
Constant insanity

No more feelings
No more ceilings
No place to stay
Nothing to say

Welcome to my reality
The dream of loneliness
Come with me
Always alone

Feeling lost
No place to stay
Is there a inn host?
Nothing to say

Beautiful night
a field of grass
It isn't bright
Nothing to wield

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 18. septembris


Here I am again
By a request
What will I gain
In this mad quest

Haven't been here for a while
All cause I could smile
Blinded and thought to be unseen
Stunned by this vile stench

Take a wrench
And hit me in my mind
You damned wench
What will you find?

Calm down now
Look in my palm
Do you see
That guy making a frown
Is it me?

I thought you were my friend
Always kind and loving
But maybe your a fiend
Cunning and cold 

Why am I mumbling these lines
Just like those mindless ones stumbling upon and upon
Paying those fines and seeking their own lines 
Oh the smell. the reeking of rotten desires

Grant me my light
While I stay in this night
Take that wrench 
Just be that wench
End it

sestdiena, 2014. gada 12. aprīlis


Tu ka ledus esi
Manu siltumu tu nesi
Mana vienīga
Īsteni vainīgā 

Kā saule tu spīdi
Jēli es teiktu
Ik brīdi
Caur manu sirdi tu steigtu

Es apmaldījos
Tu smaidīji
Gandrīz nesavaldījos
Ar skatieniem tu baidīji

Tu esi tā vienīgā
Ko vēlos dedzināt
Tu kā ledus esi

Skaistākas par tevi nav
Lai ko tu teiktu
Baisākas ari neatradīsies
Lai ka ari es nesteigtu prom 

Tu kā ledus esi
Saldena kā medus esi
Mana vienīga 
Īsteni vainīgā
Mana laimīgā

piektdiena, 2014. gada 7. februāris



Drunken words
Happy thoughts
That is the B
Smelly swords

Betrayed many times
This time I died
Born again
Different person
Same face

I will not seek guidance
Nor I shall forgive
All will pay
As same that there are no rhymes here

trešdiena, 2014. gada 5. februāris



Why do I still feel this pain
I thought let it be
Stop the eternal rain
Just wait and see

Inside out
Let the cage break
For what did I fought
Let loose the rage

What was the gain
A really high stake
I'm not even sane
While you are fake

Why do I still feel this pain
Betrayed by my own love
Let it rain fire
Fly away like a dove

The nights are dark
Thoughts are gloom
There is no spark
Why did I let it bloom

Oh what a sight
Feeling calm
Yet not sane
You crushed me with your palm

I shall let myself loose
Lose all hope
As your pedestal will fall
And my sanity will crumble
Inside out

otrdiena, 2014. gada 21. janvāris

Let it be

Let it be

She is the love of my life
She does not want to see
Fly away like a dove
Forget the guilt of my destruction

I'm sad and lost
She is fine and happy
Maybe I'm glad
Show me a sign

She is the love of my life
Cant let her go, not yet
Fly away like a dove
Create your own set

Let it be
Just wait a see
Free of pain
Without gain

Becoming Insane
She is the love of my life
Incoming pain
Fly away like a dove

Dancing in the moonlight
Singing in the rain
There is no sunlight
For the insane

Let it be
Without light
Kisses in the dark
Welcome the night
This is my of story arc
Just wait and see

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 16. janvāris

Becoming Insane

Becoming insane

Are you even sane?
How does it feel?
I think I'm becoming insane
Oh so lovely

Faking my own smile
Laughing inside out
I think I'm becoming insane
Oh so lovely

How does it feel?
To be the one
To blame
It isn't the same 

Inside out
Look into the mirror
You are the blame
I'm not the same

Are you even sane?
No me no understand
I think I'm becoming insane
How do I stand?

I'm becoming insane
Love-struck broken
Without emotions
Laughs only spoken


Are you even sane?
How does it feel?
I think I'm becoming insane
You steal my heart away
Stomp it
I smile
Oh how lovely
I have become insane

svētdiena, 2014. gada 12. janvāris


                     Dreaming the dreams
                          Loosing all hope
                              So it seems
                  Choosing different sides

                                Once I felt
                These emotions of hysteria
                             Then you left
                Now there is the big mysteria

                              Velvet nights
                          Faceless frowns
                                Odd sights
                 It seems everybody drowns

                            Strangers meet
                          Inside my dreams
                                 Dark feats
                                So it seems

                        No more emotions
                            I shall not fall
                            Give me more
                            I will stand tall

                           Repent thy evil
                                I forgive
                         Change the event
                            I do not forget

                   Inside my own hysteria
                            Missing them
                 Well thought out mysteria
                               No more

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otrdiena, 2014. gada 7. janvāris

Blue eyed beauty


Blue eyed beauty
With hair so white
The one that I thought was true
But we were no pair

You are the snake of my life
Strangling me slowly
For what sake?
What does is make?

Upon the hills of despair
I stand alone
Broken inside
Beyond repair
In a land unknown

Blue eyed beauty
With hair so white
How does it feel to be yourself
Looking in to the mirror
Grasping your own lies

You are the snake of my life
Strangling me slowly
I thought of this many nights
That you brought me many delights
Oh those were the sights

Inside out
I cry every night
Broken inside
Fake outside

Blue eyed beauty
With hair so white
The one I loved
The one I sought
You bring me despair
Indeed beyond repair

piektdiena, 2014. gada 3. janvāris



Terrified of what is to come
Stranded in my thoughts
Is it really verified
Branded without hope

Just to know the same feelings coming inside
Blaming the outcomes already
Storming the ceilings of this darkest box
Gaining true calmness
Of the forsake result of loss  

I shall not give up
I will not fall
Inside this dream
Or rather a nightmare than a dream

It may seem this is connected
But what is the truth
Where does the key lie
Or am I already disconnected?

It may seem that the events of betrayal
 Are somewhat to do with this
But alas this just be a little part
Of other lies ahead

You the one that left
Have no saying anymore
It was just a theft
As I was praying no more

Left alone
Shattered inside
Calm outside
With a face of no emotion

Terrified of what is to come
Inside this dream
Is it verified
Or may it seem hopeless outside?

How does it feel to be the one
That broke a man that cared for you
Is it even real that other thing that you speak of?
Stared down the endless pit of darkness

It may seem that the events of betrayal
Are somewhat connected
Shattered inside 
Calm outside
With a face of no emotion

Terrified of what is to come
Left alone
I shall not fall
Nor bow to some

You the one that left
Broke me for real
It was a theft
Undone the seal..