svētdiena, 2010. gada 26. decembris

Chapter II.1-short story/Anubis-

Walking this snow blinded road
Talking to that glowing toad
Why is it snowing all of a sudden?
Oh why isn't the wind blowing so sudden?

Now in the memories I drown
Once I wanted to be a clown
Dancing in the attic
Feeling the really bad static

Oh what is it now?
Its cleared up after all
This is rad
I'm really glad

I look at her
Took a sudden stare
This is rare
Shes smiling, only for me

I'm willing to feel the static
Just like the time in the attic
The ceiling is no more
 What is this feeling?

Just as this moment repeats itself
Shes just smiling for myself
I willing to give myself to her
Now and forever...

sestdiena, 2010. gada 25. decembris

Guitaristrom (In Latvian)

the story:
Kopš agras bērnības mani vajājuši murgaini sapņi un fantāzijas par man tai brīdi nezināmu briesmoni, šis briesmonis manos sapņos nācis dažādās formās. Sākot ar resnu koka ķermeni, tukšu vidu, dzelzs ūsām, kas stiepās no tā ķermeņa līdz tā vienīgajai rokai, beidzot ar līdzīgu ķermeni tikai bez cauruma un tievāku bet tai pašā laikā cietāku konstrukciju un vel tām pašām dzelzs ūsām līdz vienu vienīgajai rokai nāca klāt visādas pogas sviras uz ķermeņa. man kā bērnam tai laika bija bail bet tai pašā laika vilka vilkdams pie tā. Zinu atcerēties tikai vienu man vajadzēja to briesmoni...

Gadi gāja un es uzzināju, ka šo radību sauca. Tā bija ģitāra. Ak ģitāra, mana mīļotā ģitāra, kas vilināja mani savā mūžīgajā meldiņa eiforijā un ekstāzē...

Un liktenis man neļāva tikt klāt pie šīs dievišķās būtnes. Visu laiku izspēlējot ļaunus jociņus, kā"nav naudas","nav talanta","nav apņēmības"...

Tā tas ari notika līdz periodam no 2008 līdz 2009 gada beigām. Tad manā dzīve ieplūda maģiski cilvēki, kas bija savaldījuši manas bērnības briesmoni, nu jau dievišķo radību. Tie mani radīja nebeidzamu liesmu kas stiprāk jo stiprāk kvēloja mani, teju kā bērnība, kad pirmo reizi manīju šo būtni. Šī liesma mani aizvilka uz nebūtības galu un atpakaļ, lai es tikai saprasti ka man vajag apvaldīt šo būtni, ko sauca par ģitāru...

Uzvara? Jā, tik tiešām uzvara! tas viss tika uzveikts 2010 gada sākuma, kad man labdari aizdeva savu būtni, lai es sāktu mācīties to apvaldīt un plūst mūžīgajā eiforijā un ekstāzē, ko sniedz šī būtne. Nepagāja ne liels ne mazs laiks, kad es beidzot ieguvu pats savu būtni un turklāt ne vienu, bet divas.. Abas formas, ka biju manījis bērnības nostalģiskajos sapņos.

Un tagad es plūstu mūžīgajā ekstāzē un eiforijā, ko man sniedz manas abas dievišķas būtnes, nekad nevēlēdamies pamosties...

svētdiena, 2010. gada 12. decembris

Chapter II-short story/flakes-

Oh what is this feeling I'm feeling right now
Its like there is no ceiling above
it isn't really appealing
Through this feeling I can see

Like a cat I sat down
near that clown
right beside  my crown
without a frown

I stare into the window
At these rare occasions
I see snow dancing limbo
And my eyes are glowing
Really showing my delight

Outside while its snowing
The wind is really blowing
Mother nature is showing
How we should be going

Whats the morale of this story?
I dont know
I really dont
Ask yourself
That's what I would do to myself

piektdiena, 2010. gada 10. decembris


The snow isn't snowing
Though my eyes are glowing
The wind is blowing
The kids are throwing snowballs

short edition :D

trešdiena, 2010. gada 1. decembris

anything you want to know

Chapter I-short story/soup-

I stand and watch as she stares away into space
I catch a glimpse of her face
I think the land fades away

Oh no what have I done
I want to run
i cant stand this feeling

My heart is exploding
My eyes are closing
My soul is exposing

Oh no what have I done
I want to run
I cant stand this feeling

It was just a kiss
That i didn't miss

Land fading away
Lips landing on hers
hands on hips

Oh no what have I done
I want to run
I cant stand this feeling

My heart is exploding
My eyes are closing
My soul is exposing

There is no space between
we stare face to face

pirmdiena, 2010. gada 29. novembris

The begining

I guess this is the begging of this blog. why am I writing in English and not in my native language Latvian?
To that question is a simple answer, and that is, English is a universal language and its simpler to communicate through it, therefore more people can actually read this, if there even interested that is :D

What else is to tell here? not much im 18 years old am from Latvia, I study at Riga's technical collage for A Computer system tech. Am interested in music, art, philosophy,psychology and body building.

Hobby? Hmm, my hobby's are playing the guitar, writing, working out, doing all kinds of crazy stuff, attending parties and being plain ol dumb :D

Activities? Student, Problem solver,Artist

Blog's purpose? Umm writing out what I think, maybe some adventure i have, some short stories or poetry, mostly just brag :D

Sincerely Armando^_^