otrdiena, 2014. gada 21. janvāris

Let it be

Let it be

She is the love of my life
She does not want to see
Fly away like a dove
Forget the guilt of my destruction

I'm sad and lost
She is fine and happy
Maybe I'm glad
Show me a sign

She is the love of my life
Cant let her go, not yet
Fly away like a dove
Create your own set

Let it be
Just wait a see
Free of pain
Without gain

Becoming Insane
She is the love of my life
Incoming pain
Fly away like a dove

Dancing in the moonlight
Singing in the rain
There is no sunlight
For the insane

Let it be
Without light
Kisses in the dark
Welcome the night
This is my of story arc
Just wait and see

ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 16. janvāris

Becoming Insane

Becoming insane

Are you even sane?
How does it feel?
I think I'm becoming insane
Oh so lovely

Faking my own smile
Laughing inside out
I think I'm becoming insane
Oh so lovely

How does it feel?
To be the one
To blame
It isn't the same 

Inside out
Look into the mirror
You are the blame
I'm not the same

Are you even sane?
No me no understand
I think I'm becoming insane
How do I stand?

I'm becoming insane
Love-struck broken
Without emotions
Laughs only spoken


Are you even sane?
How does it feel?
I think I'm becoming insane
You steal my heart away
Stomp it
I smile
Oh how lovely
I have become insane

svētdiena, 2014. gada 12. janvāris


                     Dreaming the dreams
                          Loosing all hope
                              So it seems
                  Choosing different sides

                                Once I felt
                These emotions of hysteria
                             Then you left
                Now there is the big mysteria

                              Velvet nights
                          Faceless frowns
                                Odd sights
                 It seems everybody drowns

                            Strangers meet
                          Inside my dreams
                                 Dark feats
                                So it seems

                        No more emotions
                            I shall not fall
                            Give me more
                            I will stand tall

                           Repent thy evil
                                I forgive
                         Change the event
                            I do not forget

                   Inside my own hysteria
                            Missing them
                 Well thought out mysteria
                               No more

Posted via Blogaway

otrdiena, 2014. gada 7. janvāris

Blue eyed beauty


Blue eyed beauty
With hair so white
The one that I thought was true
But we were no pair

You are the snake of my life
Strangling me slowly
For what sake?
What does is make?

Upon the hills of despair
I stand alone
Broken inside
Beyond repair
In a land unknown

Blue eyed beauty
With hair so white
How does it feel to be yourself
Looking in to the mirror
Grasping your own lies

You are the snake of my life
Strangling me slowly
I thought of this many nights
That you brought me many delights
Oh those were the sights

Inside out
I cry every night
Broken inside
Fake outside

Blue eyed beauty
With hair so white
The one I loved
The one I sought
You bring me despair
Indeed beyond repair

piektdiena, 2014. gada 3. janvāris



Terrified of what is to come
Stranded in my thoughts
Is it really verified
Branded without hope

Just to know the same feelings coming inside
Blaming the outcomes already
Storming the ceilings of this darkest box
Gaining true calmness
Of the forsake result of loss  

I shall not give up
I will not fall
Inside this dream
Or rather a nightmare than a dream

It may seem this is connected
But what is the truth
Where does the key lie
Or am I already disconnected?

It may seem that the events of betrayal
 Are somewhat to do with this
But alas this just be a little part
Of other lies ahead

You the one that left
Have no saying anymore
It was just a theft
As I was praying no more

Left alone
Shattered inside
Calm outside
With a face of no emotion

Terrified of what is to come
Inside this dream
Is it verified
Or may it seem hopeless outside?

How does it feel to be the one
That broke a man that cared for you
Is it even real that other thing that you speak of?
Stared down the endless pit of darkness

It may seem that the events of betrayal
Are somewhat connected
Shattered inside 
Calm outside
With a face of no emotion

Terrified of what is to come
Left alone
I shall not fall
Nor bow to some

You the one that left
Broke me for real
It was a theft
Undone the seal..